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Transport Industry Battery Charger with In Built VSR


This model is available in 2 MODELS

Correct Charger for 12 volt battery packs
(CPIC14V5/10-R3.VSR) {Lucidity SAP 3370231}

Correct Charger for 24 volt battery packs
(CPIC29V/5-10.VSR) {Lucidity SAP 3370179}

Charge Plus's 12 volt battery Pack version of VSR Battery Charger has the following Key features:

  • In Built VSR
  • Universal Input Voltage (Will operate with any truck)
  • You can utilise any constant lighting input (Park lamp Circuit)
  • Software that won’t harm existing electrical cabling.
  • Dual input capability.
  • Intelligent 3 stage charging.
  • Robust anodised aluminium housing with Stainless Steel fasteners
  • Electronics completely encapsulated for protection against the elements
  • Charger draws no standby current from the charged battery
  • Will charge a dead flat battery

The Charge Plus Universal Input Computer Controlled Three Stage Regulated Battery Charger that will charge this battery from your lighting circuit and or the auxilary circuit in the trailer plug.


Key Features Explained.

Universal input voltage.
The charger will operate with 12 volts DC, 24 volts DC and chopped 24 volts with a duty cycle between 25% to 100%.

The charger will charge the target battery with an input voltage of 9.6 volts or more. The inputs have spike suppression to limit the maximum applied input voltage to 63 volts, this complete circuit protection.

At no time do we draw current from the target battery so leaving your trailer unpluged at the depot our charger will not drain your trailer Battery.

Two inputs.
Two inputs are provided so that multiple power sources can be used. If multiple inputs are connected the charger will still function even if one circuit is off.

Both inputs are monitored so if the 10 amp charging load causes the input voltage to drop the charger will reduce its output so as to not overload the circuit it is connected to.

Intelligent three stage charging.
The first stage of charging occurs when a battery has been run down. For battery terminal voltages of less than 14.5 volts the charger will output maximum current. ( Due to the Current rating on the Deutsch connectors the maximum current the charger draws is 10 Amps so on a 12v system the maximum output is slightly less than 10 amps as it is acting as a Boost charger. On a 24v system the output may be slighlty higher than 10 amps as it is in Buck charge mode ). The Charger outputs its maximum up to 10 amps until the battery voltage reaches 14.5 volts. This phase is normally referred to as bulk charge.

Once the terminal voltage has reached 14.5 volts the absorption charge phase starts. During this phase the charger maintains a voltage of 14.5 volts for two hours. The higher voltage is necessary to insure that the battery gets to 100% charge however continuous operation at this voltage would cause excessive gassing and potentially damage the battery. That is why there is a time limit.

When the two hours have passed the charger switches to maintenance or float mode and drops the charging voltage to 13.7 volts to reduce battery gassing. The battery can be held at this voltage indefinitely to hold 100% charge.

If at any point during the charging cycle a heavy load is turned on that causes the battery voltage to fall below 12.5 volts the charging cycle is reset and the whole cycle begins again.

The charger is in a Anodised Alunimum housing with all stainless steel screws and the electronics inside are silicone encapsulated for durability in our Australian conditions.

Multi colour status indicator.
To assist in quick charging diagnosis, a multi colour LED indicator is provided.
Colour vs status is listed below :

  • Red indicates that the battery is charging at maximum current and the battery voltage is below 13.7 volts. (Bulk charge with low battery.)
  • Amber indicates that the battery is charging at maximum current and the battery voltage is greater than 13.7 volts (bulk charge with almost charged battery)
  • Flashing of either the Red or Amber indicates the input is not able to supply the full current so charging current is reduced so as not to overload the input wiring.
  • Blue indicates that 14.5 volts has been reached and absorption charging is under way.
  • Green indicates that absorption charging is completed and the battery is now being held at 13.7 volts.
  • No light indicates either no input voltage or input voltage is less than 9.6 volts.

For any additional information and Pricing please contact us.